The political economy of the design of local
taxation and environmental protection
9-10 December 2011 - Ancona, Italy
Jean-Philippe Barde
past OECD Head of the National Policies Division of the Environment
Directorate, Institut des Etudes Politiques, Paris, France
Giorgio Brosio
Università di Torino, Italy
Paul Ekins
University College London, UK
Fabio Fiorillo
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Per G. Fredriksson
University of Louisville, Usa
Alberto Majocchi
University of Pavia, Italy
Antonio Massarutto
University of Udine, Italy
IEFE Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy, Italy
Janet Milne
Vermont Law School, Usa
Fabio Padovano
University of Roma 3, Italy
University of Rennes, France
Jeffrey Petchey
Curtin University of Perth, Australia
Alessandro Petretto
Università di Firenze, Italy
Aldo Ravazzi Douvan
Italian Ministry of Environment, past President of OECD Taxation & Environment Committee, Rome, Italy
Friedrich Schneider
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Jason Shogren
University of Wyoming, USA
Thomas Sterner
University of Goteborg, Sweden.
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