The political economy of the design of local
taxation and environmental protection
9-10 December 2011 - Ancona, Italy
An increasing literature is dealing with the topic of environmental taxation issues and sustainable
economic development. Our conference aims at analyzing these issues in a federalist context.
Particular attention should be paid to the role of institutions and local policy makers in the design of
local environmental taxation in order to promote environmental goals and increase the revenue
rising capacity of local governments.
A political economy approach should be adopted to investigate the role of fiscal tools, such as taxes
and tariffs/charges/fees, set by sub-national tiers of governments in order to implement
environmental protection. This is particularly relevant in a context where the creation and the
implementation of policies are influenced by several stakeholders and pressure groups, such as local
and national lobbies, politicians, and bureaucrats.
Focusing on the political economy of the design of local taxation and environment protection, the
workshop will devote minor attention to the design of environmental standard and regulatory
measures to manage emission standards.
Scholars and experts are invited to send theoretical and empirical contributions on the following
- Assignment of environmental taxation and tax setting rules at the local level.
- Horizontal fiscal competition in local environmental taxation and race to the bottom.
- Vertical fiscal competition in environmental local taxation, coordination among levels of
governments, strategic behaviour.
- Instruments for a green reform of local taxation (taxes, tariffs/charges/fees, removal of
environmentally harmful subsidies, creation of markets, etc).
- Redistribution issues of environmental local taxation.
- Methodological analyses on the impact of environmental federalism on employment,
economic growth.
- Tax evasion and local environment protection.
- Sector (transports, water, waste, energy, buildings, tourism, agriculture, etc.) and
national/sub-national/local case studies.
- Coordination among local taxation and national and global environmental issues and
- Industrial competitiveness, territorial competitiveness and local environmental taxation.
Submit a long abstract to: opera@univpm.it no later than July 17, 2011. Full paper will be
considered too.
Long abstract should be as follow:
Title of the paper
Name(s) of author(s)
Institutional affiliation of author(s), with complete mailing address and e-mail of the presenter.
Jel classification and keywords
Abstract of 750-1500 words
The name of the file should be the name(s) of the author(s); the format of the file should be .pdf
Decisions on acceptance of submitted papers will be communicated not later than August 21, 2011.
Full papers should be submitted no later than October 31, 2011.
pdf version
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