The present dramatic financial crisis, like many others before, finds its roots in a long credit boom and easy money that has fuelled rising asset prices. However, it differs from the past episodes of worldwide crisis for the unprecedented close linkages between banking and finance of the "originate and distribute" model, for the size and global character of the financial institutions involved and for the fragility of the international monetary system incapable of delivering external balances and facilitating smooth adjustments. Following the crisis, the entire inernational and domestic order of money, banking and finance seems to be under discussion.
A new geography of finance will probably emerge. The resurrection of the dollar standard system or its substitution with a new monetar order of te world economy is a critical question. What is still unclear is wheter the crisis will impart a speeding-up of globalization of banking and finance or will impart a steering to this process in the direction of a more traditional "originate and hold" bank model and of a more spatially segmented financial system.
The aim of this conference is to investigate the effects of the spatial organization of money, banking and finance on the gography of the credit crisis at the internatioal ad national levels and to understand how the credit crisis could shape the future geography of money, banking and finance.
The Changing Geography of Money, Banking and Finance in a Post-Crisis World is a conference organized by the Money and Finance Research (Mo.Fi.R.) group, department of Economics Università Politecnica delle Marche, co-sponsored by Open Economic Review and Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and financially supported by Cassa di Risparmio di Fano (Carifano), Credito Valtellinese and Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR).
Click here to download the complete program of the conference and the papers