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S.I.E. RSA 2023

64a RSA - Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)

L'Aquila, 19-21 Ottobre 2023

sabato, 21 ottobre 2023

10:00 - 11:20

Chair: Alessio D'Amato - Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Aula: Building: Ex_INPS, Lecture Hall

# Papers  
1. Buying or performing abatement: environmental policy and welfare when commitment is (not) credible
Autore/i  Alessio D'Amato   Roberta Sestini   
Presentato da  Alessio D'Amato   
2. Cost-benefit analysis of landfill emergency securing: Two applications in Southern Italy
Autore/i  Nicola Comincioli   Ilenia Gaia Romani   Sergio Vergalli   
Presentato da  Ilenia Gaia Romani   
3. Increasing the use of electrical non-combustible and combustible renewables: the effects on air pollution in Europe
Autore/i  Matteo Abbruzzese   Davide Infante   Janna Smirnova   
Presentato da  Janna Smirnova   
4. Investigating the impact of Extended Producer Responsibility on the trade of waste batteries
Autore/i  Marco Compagnoni   Marco Grazzi   Fabio Pieri   Chiara Tomasi   
Presentato da  Marco Compagnoni   