Invited Session Machine learning in the design, analysis and integration of sample surveys Organizer: Daniela Marella (Sapienza Università di Roma) Chair: Chiara Bocci (Università degli Studi Firenze) Discussant: Fulvia Mecatti (Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca) Room: T31 Floor: ground Short summary: Machine learning methods are beginning to be used in various aspects of sample surveys such as weighting, nonresponse and data integration. In this session three main aspects are examined. First of all, the use of Bayesian Networks to deal with the statistical matching problem in a multivariate context is discussed. Next, machine learning techniques incorporating the sampling weights in the imputation process are considered. Finally, a modified version of the PC algorithm for structural learning is proposed to take into account complex sample designs.
Causal Discovery for complex survey data Author(s) Paola Vicard
Data Integration without conditional independence: a Bayesian Networks approach Author(s) Pier Luigi Conti Paola Vicard Vincenzina Vitale
Mass imputation through Machine Learning techniques in presence of multi-source data Author(s) Fabrizio De Fausti Marco Di Zio Romina Filippini Simona Toti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (Di.S.E.S.)