Andrea Nigri
Thursday, 22 June - 11:45 - 13:15
Invited Session
Statistical Learning of demographic and health dynamics
Organizer/Chair: Stefano Mazzuco (Università di Padova)
Discussant: Emanuele Aliverti (Università di Padova)
Room: T7
Floor: ground
Short summary: Demographic and health sciences are undergoing a transformation as regards data and methods that can be used. This session provides three excellent examples of how both new and old demographic research questions can be tackled with more advanced statistical methods that can adequately treat new type of data (e.g. social media data), provide more timely estimates, and take into account data deficiencies.
Paper |
Leveraging deep neural networks to estimate age-specific mortality from life expectancy at birth
Author(s) Andrea Nigri |
Wednesday, 21 June - 16:05 - 17:15
Contributed Session
Health and mortality
Chair: Theresa R. Smith (University of Bath)
Discussant: Elena Ambrosetti (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Room: T4
Floor: ground
Paper |
An Age-Period-Cohort model of gender gap in youth mortality
Author(s) Giacomo Lanfiuti Baldi Andrea Nigri |