Agent-Based Economic Modelling
First Ancona-Milano Summer School on AB Economics
Ancona, 1-5 September 2015
Why Agent Based Macroeconomics
Agent Based Macroeconomics (ABMs) is the application to macroeconomic modeling of computational techniques
developed to analyze multi-agent systems, i.e. economies where heterogeneous households, firms, financial intermediaries
interact with each other and the environment. The dynamic pattern of the resulting aggregate time series . for instance of GDP .
is characterized by the endogenous emergence of deep disequilibria and sudden state transitions . i.e. dramatic recessions
followed by slow and painful recoveries . which is what a macroeconomic model should do in times of global financial
crisis and great recessions. This is the reason why ABMs have been gaining attention both within the academic debate
and among international institutions and policymakers.
To whom is the summer school addressed?
This Summer School is addressed to highly motivated graduate and Ph.D. students, as well as researchers working for public
and private research centers, who want to integrate their curricula with the analytical and technical tools developed within
this innovative field of study.
Aims and Objectives
Students will be introduced step by step to the logic of Agent Based modelling and will progressively come to master the
fundamental tools required to build and analyze an Agent Based model, following a .learning by doing. didactic approach.
The Summer School will be geared around the live construction of simplified AB models of real and financial markets, explicitly
designed for didactic purposes. Laboratory modules will be accompanied by exercises and applications designed to promote an
active and cooperative learning by participants.
In addition, the summer school will cover some complementary aspects of model-building techniques, such as calibration
and validation protocols, and methods for economic networks analysis.
What will you learn?
By attending the Summer School, students should then be able to achieve a deeper understanding of the relatively young Agent
Based scientific literature.
Even more important, the highly practice-oriented didactic approach which characterizes our Summer School should provide participants
with the necessary knowledge and skills to start developing their own AB economic models.
The Summer School is jointly organized by the Marche Polytechnic University (Ancona) and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) -
Complexity Lab in Economics, in collaboration with the FP7 projects FinMaP, MatheMACS and Simphony, and with the financial support of the Institute
for New Economic Thinking (INET).
- Dr. Alessandro Caiani (Marche Polytechnic University)
- Dr. Tiziana Assenza (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Why You Should Join Our Summer School
If you are a highly motivated student of Economics at Ph.D. level, or you are working with a research center or a public
institution and want to get involved in one of the most innovative and promising approaches to economic thinking, our Summer
School will give you the opportunity to:
- Spend 5 days in the nice city of Ancona studying, discussing, and exchanging experiences with international students and lecturers.
- Confront your research ideas and outputs in a friendly, easygoing atmosphere with established scholars and young researchers in the field of AB Economics.
- Learn how to design, develop, analyze, and display your own models using R.
Organization of the Courses
The schedule is the following: 8 hours of classes per day, 4 full working days +1 half-day. In principle, 6 hours
(in the morning and early afternoon) will be devoted to frontal lectures, equally distributed between classes dealing with theoretical
and methodological aspects, and laboratories. The last 2 hours of the day will be devoted to group work on assignments, aiming at familiarizing with the concepts and tools presented in the course.
Course Material
All the didactic material - papers, hand-outs, assignments, PDF for assigned reading, source codes, etc. - will be available for download
on the Summer School website:
Application Procedure
The number of participants is restricted to 20. We will thus only consider applicants with strong interest in the field.
An expression of interest must be sent via mail before
July, 15th 2015 to,
attaching an updated CV and a letter of motivation. Later applications will also be evaluated, but only in the case of free posts.
Participation Fee
The Summer School admission is
free of charge. Organizers will provide lunches and coffee breaks.
In addition, the participation to the Summer School Social Dinner will be free of charge for all participants. Due to
limited available funding, other expenses, such as dinners, travels, lodging, will not be covered by organizers.
Teaching Board
- Assenza, Tiziana: Associate Professor, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
- Caiani, Alessandro: Post-Doc researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Catullo Ermanno: Post-Doc Researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Caverzasi, Eugenio: Post-Doc researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Delli Gatti, Domenico: Full Professor, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
- Gallegati Mauro, Full Professor, Marche Polytechnic University
- Giri Federico, Post-Doc Researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Godin, Antoine: Post-Doc Researcher, University of Limerick
- Grazzini, Jakob: Post.Doc researcher, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
- Grilli, Ruggero: Post-Doc researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Palestrini, Antonio: Associate Professor, Marche Polytechnic University
- Recchioni, Maria Cristina: Full Professor, Marche Polytechnic University
- Raberto, Marco: Associate Professor, University of Genoa
- Riccetti, Luca: Researcher, Università Roma La Sapienza
- Roventini, Andrea: Associate Professor, Sant'Anna Institute of Advanced Studies
- Russo, Alberto: Researcher, Marche Polytechnic University
- Spelta Alessandro, Post-Doc researcher, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
- Tedeschi, Gabriele: Associate Professor, University Jaume I of Castellón
Contacts and Further Information
Further useful information, details, materials, contacts, links, will be available on the Summer School website as soon as possible.
For any question please write to